Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good Morning World!

I start this blog with a "wink & a nod" to those who know me, and who probably are chuckling at the thought of me pairing up with "mornings" in any form.  I am not a morning person!
I do like the idea of mornings, they sound nice... seeing the sunrise, hearing the birds sing, swinging on the porch with a cup of hot coffee and meditating on God's Word.  The only problem is that my attempt at morning meditation usually ends up with me realizing I'm snoring! (not a good idea if holding hot coffee...)  I'm sorry Lord!  I'll do better.
I have a job outside the home where I go three days a week, so on those mornings I do reluctantly wake up at 7:30.
When my kids were little I did wake up early with them every day, I just always felt sleep-deprived.  My time was always late in the evenings after Steve and the kids went to bed.  I enjoyed staying up late in the peace and quiet where I could read or crochet, or even clean and pay bills.
My kids are teens now and there isn't as much excitement around the house in the mornings as there once was, and now they stay up later than I do on many nights.
My New Year's resolution for 2011 is to start waking up early every morning and to go to bed early'er' most nights.  I hope writing this blog will help me do that!